Cargo Consolidation Services

Cargo Consolidation Services

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Cargo Consolidation Services
  • Starting Location: ANYWHERE
  • Type of Service: AIR,SEA
  • Destination: ANYWHERE
  • Mode Of Transport: AIR,SEA
  • Container Length: ANY LENGTH
  • Number of Days: STANDARD DELIVERY
  • Starting Location: ANYWHERE
  • Type of Service: AIR,SEA
  • Destination: ANYWHERE
  • Mode Of Transport: AIR,SEA
  • Container Length: ANY LENGTH
  • Capacity / Size of the shipment: ANY SIZE
  • Number of Days: STANDARD DELIVERY
  • Perishable Cargo: NO
  • Delivery Time: STANDARD DELIVERY
  • Is It Mobile Access: Non Mobile Access
We help our customers by arranging for cargo consolidation (by air/sea). Our cargo consolidation services include air cargo consolidation and freight consolidation services, transportation of cargo to the stuffing point, stuffing of cargo in the container, customs processing of shipping documents and use of premium air/shipping lines. We have specialised experts to ensure that your prized cargos are handled properly.

We make sure that the cargo reaches the respective destination well before the specified time.

As with all our solutions, the Cargo Consolidation System is built around a central database. This means that once POs are loaded, any origin office may book them and the shipment process does not rely on transferring data between servers. All updates are immediate and EDI messages are produced and sent immediately, giving better, more accurate reporting and a powerful query base. The Vendor Compliance module allows exceptions to be recorded and reported.

The system performs the following tasks :
» Accept EDI entry of Purchase Orders and distribution information
» Record and update information on vendor compliance, with delivery schedules
» Record, shipping, routing and booking information
» Record receipt of merchandise and commercial documents
» Record assignment of cargo to containers and bills of lading
» Display up-to-date shipment status information
» Produce status reports, management reports and transportation documents
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Cargo Transportation Services

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Cargo Transportation Services
  • Starting Location: Anywhere
  • Destination: Anywhere
  • Mode of Transport: By Sea And By Air
  • Container Length: Any
  • Capacity / Size of the shipment: Any
  • Perishable Cargo: No
  • Starting Location: Anywhere
  • Destination: Anywhere
  • Mode of Transport: By Sea And By Air
  • Container Length: Any
  • Capacity / Size of the shipment: Any
  • Mode Of Service: Offline
  • Type Of Service Provider: Freight Forwarders
  • Perishable Cargo: No
  • Delivery Time: Standard
  • Is It Mobile Access: Non Mobile Access
  • Feature: Air And Sea Forwarding And Custom Clearance
Expert Logistics (India) Pvt. Ltd is a fast moving and forward thinking company offering global logistics services and global logistics solutions from India. We offer our valuable customers fast, reliable and cost effective logistics services, customised to their specific requirements.
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Cargo Distribution Service

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Cargo Distribution Service
  • Starting Location: ANYWHERE
  • Type of Service: AIR,SEA
  • Destination: ANYWHERE
  • Mode of Transport: AIR,SEA
  • Source location: ANY
  • Container Length: ANY LENGTH
  • Starting Location: ANYWHERE
  • Type of Service: AIR,SEA
  • Destination: ANYWHERE
  • Mode of Transport: AIR,SEA
  • Source location: ANY
  • Container Length: ANY LENGTH
  • Capacity / Size of the shipment: ANY SIZE
  • Number of Days: STANDARD DELIVERY
  • Perishable Cargo: NO
  • Delivery Time: STANDARD
  • Is It Mobile Access: Non Mobile Access
Expert Logistics (India) Pvt. Ltd is a fast moving and forward thinking company offering global logistics services and global logistics solutions from India. We offer our valuable customers fast, reliable and cost effective logistics services, customised to their specific requirements.
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Cargo Handling Services

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Cargo Handling Services
  • Starting Location: Anywhere
  • Destination: Anywhere
  • Source location: Any
  • Type of Transportation: Air,Sea
  • Container Length: Any
  • Capacity / Size of the shipment: Any Size
  • Starting Location: Anywhere
  • Destination: Anywhere
  • Source location: Any
  • Type of Transportation: Air,Sea
  • Container Length: Any
  • Capacity / Size of the shipment: Any Size
  • Mode of Service: By Air And By Sea
  • Mode Of Service: Offline
  • Mode Type: Air And Sea
  • Type Of Service Provider: Freight Forwarder
  • Perishable Cargo: No
  • Delivery Time: Standard
  • Is It Mobile Access: Non Mobile Access
  • Feature: By Air And By Sea
  • Service Mode: Air,Sea
Expert Logistics (India) Pvt. Ltd is a fast moving and forward thinking company offering global logistics services and global logistics solutions from India. We offer our valuable customers fast, reliable and cost effective logistics services, customised to their specific requirements.
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Expert Logistics India Pvt. Ltd.